Create an interactive map for selecting satellite imagery and exporting image files.


export_image_app(geopolygon, date, satellites)

Exports Digital Earth Africa satellite data as an image file based on the extent and time period selected using select_region_app().

select_region_app(date, satellites[, size_limit])

An interactive app that allows the user to select a region from a map using imagery from Sentinel-2 and Landsat., date, satellites, style='True colour', resolution=None, vmin=0, vmax=2000, percentile_stretch=None, power=None, image_proc_funcs=None, output_format='jpg', standardise_name=False)

Exports Digital Earth Africa satellite data as an image file based on the extent and time period selected using select_region_app(). The function supports Sentinel-2 and Landsat data, creating True and False colour images.

By default, files are named using:

"<product> - <YYYY-MM-DD> - <site, state> - <description>.png"

Set standardise_name=True for a machine-readable name:


Last modified: September 2021

  • geopolygon (datacube.utils.geometry object) – A datacube geopolygon providing the spatial bounds used to load satellite data.

  • date (str) – The exact date used to extract imagery (e.g. date=”1988-01-01”).

  • satellites (str) –

    The satellite data to be used to extract imagery. The following options are supported:

    'Landsat-9': data from the Landsat 9 satellite 'Landsat-8': data from the Landsat 8 satellite 'Landsat-7': data from the Landsat 7 satellite 'Landsat-5': data from the Landsat 5 satellite 'Sentinel-2': data from Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B 'Sentinel-2 geomedian': data from the Sentinel-2 annual geomedian

  • style (str, optional) –

    The style used to produce the image. Two options are currently supported:

    • 'True colour': Creates a true colour image using the red, green and blue satellite bands

    • 'False colour': Creates a false colour image using short-wave infrared, infrared and green satellite bands. The specific bands used vary between Landsat and Sentinel-2.

  • resolution (tuple, optional) – The spatial resolution to load data. By default, the tool will automatically set the best possible resolution depending on the satellites selected (i.e 30 m for Landsat, 10 m for Sentinel-2). Increasing this (e.g. to resolution=(-100, 100)) can be useful for loading large spatial extents.

  • vmin (int or float) – The minimum and maximum surface reflectance values used to clip the resulting imagery to enhance contrast.

  • vmax (int or float) – The minimum and maximum surface reflectance values used to clip the resulting imagery to enhance contrast.

  • percentile_stretch (tuple of floats, optional) – An tuple of two floats (between 0.00 and 1.00) that can be used to clip the imagery to based on percentiles to get more control over the brightness and contrast of the image. The default is None; (0.02, 0.98) is equivelent to robust=True. If this parameter is used, vmin and vmax will have no effect.

  • power (float, optional) – Raises imagery by a power to reduce bright features and enhance dark features. This can add extra definition over areas with extremely bright features like snow, beaches or salt pans.

  • image_proc_funcs (list of funcs, optional) – An optional list containing functions that will be applied to the output image. This can include image processing functions such as increasing contrast, unsharp masking, saturation etc. The function should take AND return a numpy.ndarray with shape [y, x, bands]. If your function has parameters, you can pass in custom values using a lambda function, e.g.: [lambda x: skimage.filters.unsharp_mask(x, radius=5, amount=0.2)]

  • output_format (str, optional) – The output file format of the image. Valid options include 'jpg' and 'png'. Defaults to 'jpg'.

  • standardise_name (bool, optional) – Whether to export the image file with a machine-readable file name (e.g. <product>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<site-state>_<description>.png), satellites, size_limit=10000)

An interactive app that allows the user to select a region from a map using imagery from Sentinel-2 and Landsat. The output of this function is used as the input to export_image_app() to export high- resolution satellite images.

Last modified: September 2021

  • date (str) – The exact date used to plot imagery on the interactive map (e.g. date='1988-01-01').

  • satellites (str) –

    The satellite data to plot on the interactive map. The following options are supported:

    'Landsat-9': data from the Landsat 9 satellite 'Landsat-8': data from the Landsat 8 satellite 'Landsat-7': data from the Landsat 7 satellite 'Landsat-5': data from the Landsat 5 satellite 'Sentinel-2': data from Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B 'Sentinel-2 geomedian': data from the Sentinel-2 annual geomedian

  • size_limit (int, optional) – An optional size limit for the area selection in sq km. Defaults to 10000 sq km.


  • A dictionary containing

    • “geopolygon” (defining the area to export imagery from),

    • ”date” (date used to export imagery), and

    • ’satellites” (the satellites from which to extract imagery).

  • These are passed to the export_image_app() function to export the image.